Upcoming Events:
Spring 2019: HERA/British Library conference at the British Library’s Knowledge Centre [details TBA].
September 2018, Making the Past in Asia, HERA-related seminar to be offered at University of Zurich’s MAS in Applied History.
July 2018, HERA-themed Roundtable to be held at the China Institut in Frankfurt [details TBA].
1-2 June 2018, Translating Science Fiction, Translation in Science Fiction: Between China and the USA, workshop co-organized by the Heidelberg subproject at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Spring 2018, “What Time Is It Where? Time and Temporality in Transcultural Perspective”, HERA-EAU-TBC related seminar to be offered by Joachim Kurtz at Heidelberg University’s Master programme in Transcultural Studies.
Past Events:
19 February 2018, “The ‘Middle Ages’ in China”, invited presentation by Joachim Kurtz at the École des hautes études en sciences sociales in Paris.
7 January 2018, “International Law and the Politics of Neutrality in the Sino-French War (1884–85)”, presentation by Jon Chappell as part of an organised panel on International Law in Africa and Asia, 1850–1900 at the American Historical Association annual conference, Washington DC.
7-9 December, Maison de France, Berlin, Chronologics: Periodisation in a Global Context (conference organized by Forum Transregionale Studien and the Max Weber Foundation), with presentations by Joachim Kurtz (“When Were the Chinese ‘Middle Ages’? East Asian Travails of a Colligatory Concept”), David Mervart (“The Four Monarchies and the Three Dynasties: Translating the European Past in Japan”), Pablo Blitstein (“An East Asian History of the ‘Multiple Renaissances’ Thesis”), Martin Dusinberre (“Maritime: the ‘Pacific Age’ and the Chronotype of Expansion”) and Birgit Tremml-Werner (“Translation and Temporalities in Transcultural Diplomacy”), and Jon Chappell (“Finding Colonialism in China: Power and the Politics of Periodisation in Chinese History”).
27 November, “The Maritime Prohibitions of China and Japan during the Seventeenth Century: A Reassessment”, public lecture by Prof. em. Leonard Blussé (Leiden University) as part of UZH’s MAS in Applied History.
21 November, “Das japanische Kaiserreich 1868–1945”, public lecture by Martin Dusinberre at Volkshochschule Zürich.
15-17 November, “Remaking Chinese Frontiers, 1850-Present”, presentation by Jon Chappell of his HERA research project at the Global Frontiers Winter School, University Tübingen.
1 November, “The Colonial Implications of Concepts of Human Nature (xing) in Chinese Philosophy”, lecture by Leigh Jenco at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London.
10 November, “Chinese Dreams of the Middle Ages: Nostalgia, Utopia, Propaganda”; 10th SAGE–Medieval History Journal Annual Lecture delivered by Joachim Kurtz at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.
31 October, “Co-produced Imperial History Narratives: Murakami Naojirō’s Work with ‘Old’ Classics for ‘New’ Ideas of Expansion in Early 20th-century Japan”, presentation by Birgit Tremml-Werner at Geschichtskontor, UZH.
30 October, “The Use of the European Past in Yan Lianke’s Literary Work”, talk delivered by Taciana Fisac at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
16 October, “Is There Such a Thing as Chinese Imperialism?”, talk by Leigh Jenco and Jon Chappell as part of Goldsmiths’ College, University of London, Centre for Postcolonial Studies lecture series.
12 October, “The Problem of Authority: Dutch Political Theories of Aboriginal Autonomy in Seventeenth Century Taiwan”, talk by Leigh Jenco at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, Centre of Taiwan Studies.
4 October, “Other Spheres in History: The Sinosphere”, lecture by Martin Dusinberre, in the UZH public lecture series “Debating the Anglosphere: History, Hegemony, Identity”).
3 October, Visit to the newly curated East Asia rooms at the Weltmuseum, Vienna, by Birgit Tremml-Werner, including a meeting with curator Dr. Bettina Zorn about uses of the East Asian past in European ethnographic exhibitions and talks about future collaboration.
2 October, “A Bad Case of SF: Early Scientifictional Experimentations in Late Imperial China”, lecture delivered by Lorenzo Andolfatto at the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.
30 September – 1 October, “Digital History and the Writing of History,” UZH-sponsored Doctoral Workshop led by Martin Dusinberre.
1 September, “Reconceptualizing Global History,” Vth Congress of the ENIUGH, Budapest, roundtable presentation by Martin Dusinberre.
31 August, 15th EAJS Conference, Lisbon, „The Various Uses of Trading Passes between Japan and the Philippines, 1590–1620“, presentation by Birgit Tremml-Werner.
24 July,「志筑忠雄訳安倍龍平校注『二國會盟録』の構成・流通・受容で見える1800年前後の海外情勢認識」(The Circulation of the Treatise Record of the Congress between the Qing and Russia), talk delivered by David Mervart at the Historiographical Institute of the University of Tokyo.
20 July, “East Asian Uses of the European Past”, paper delivered by Taciana Fisac at the International Convention for Asian Scholars in Chiang Mai, Thailand.
20 July, “A History Text as a Global Crossroads: Yamamura Saisuke’s Seiyō zakki (1801) and the Meme of a City on an Oxhide”, public talk delivered by David Mervart at the Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia at the University of Tokyo.
5 July, University of Bremen, Kolloquium Frühe Neuzeit, “Übersetzung und Interpretation frühmoderner Freundschaftssemantik zwischen Begriffsgeschichte und globaler Mikrogeschichte“, presentation by Birgit Tremml-Werner.
4 July, “Power and Fate in 19th and 20th century China”, paper presented by Pablo Blistein at the University of Erlangen.
22 June, University of Konstanz, Global History Workshop, co-organized by Jürgen Osterhammel and Martin Dusinberre, including a presentation by Birgit Tremml-Werner on her HERA project, “The Choices We Make. Do the Means justify the End?”
25-27 May, East Asian Uses of the European Past: Tracing Braided Chronotypes, first EAU-TBC conference held in Almagro and hosted by the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid.
14 May, Joachim Kurtz chaired the panel “Time for Evidence” at the conference Rethinking Time in Modern China organized by Tel Aviv University, where Pablo Blitstein delivered the talk “On Multiple Renaissances”.
20-21 April, Taciana Fisac and David Mervart chaired and discussed two panels thematically dedicated to “East Asian Uses of European Past” at the 14th East Asia Network workshop held at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
20 February, “Le concept de ‘nation chinoise’ entre les Grands Qing et le Mexique : les projets nationaux d’un mandarin réformateur, 1895–1911”, talk delivered by Pablo Blitstein at the seminar « Actualité des sciences sociales », École des hautes études en sciences sociales in Paris.
10 Dec, University of Tokyo, Towards a Transcultural History of Diplomacy, a conference co-organised by Birgit Tremml-Werner who presented on “Emblematic Moments in Early Modern Hispano-Japanese Diplomatic Exchange”.
7 Oct, University of Vienna, Perception and Representation. Brokers of Early Modern Diplomacy in their Self-Testimony: “Representation and Perception of Friars Serving as ad-hoc Envoys in East Asia, 1574–1662”, presentation by Birgit Tremml-Werner.