1 | A New China in Mexico: Kang Youwei and his Languages of Cohesion-Making on the Two Sides of the Pacific (1895–1911) | Blitstein, Pablo | Oriens Extremus | Vol. 55 (2016) |
2 | Sinology: Chinese Intellectual History and Transcultural Studies | Blitstein, Pablo | Transcultural Studies | 2017.2, pp. 136–167. |
3 | ¿Puede la cultura europea inspirar a los escritores chinos? | Fisac, Taciana | Revista de Occidente | No. 430 (March 2017), pp. 47–60. |
4 | El letrado, el negociante y el déspota: Figuras de la tutela entre China y México, 1895–1911 | Blitstein, Pablo | Revista Iberoamericana de Estudios de Asia Oriental | No. 8 (2018) Forthcoming |
5 | Discourses of Futuribility in Late Qing Fiction | Andolfatto, Lorenzo | Monde Chinois, Special Issue « La science-fiction sinophone / Sinophone Science Fiction » | No. 51 (2018) Forthcoming |
6 | Chinese Dreams of the Middle Ages: Nostalgia, Utopia, Propaganda | Kurtz, Joachim | The Medieval History Journal | Vol. 21, No. 1 (2018), pp. 1–24. |
7 | Gu Jiegang, Chinese Muslims, and the Reworking of Culturalism | Jenco, Leigh K. | Modern China | Forthcoming 2018 |